Storage of delicacies

So you bought delicious treats and with the help of willpower you didn't eat them for the first two days. And what's more, you have managed to drive away the other family members who come 5 times a day with the words "I'll just taste" away from the treats. Don't believe this trick, but rather hide the nuts and sweets in a safe place! And then on Friday night you won't have to look for something delicious in all the cupboards))

And now we will tell you how to properly store treats so that they retain their taste for a long time! 


  • At home, it is better to store nuts, sweets and dried fruits at a lower temperature, as far as possible from heat sources.
  • Treats should not be stored in areas with regular light. Hide nuts and fruits in a dark cupboard. 
  • Products must be protected from moisture. For this purpose, they are stored in a tightly closed vacuum container or bag.
  • Nuts, dried fruits and sweets can be stored in the following temperature regime +2 - +22°С or in a freezer (refrigerated). In the latter case, the validity period can be extended up to one year.

The shelf life of delicacies is 12 months when stored in a closed form or in a vacuum, in the temperature regime mentioned above.